J.Embiid: “Prawdopodobnie czeka mnie kolejnej operacja”


Kłopoty z kolanem to już dla Joela Embiida chleb powszedni. Ten sezon dobitnie pokazuje, że kolano cały czas pozostaje problemem i pomijając kilka spotkań, w których wyglądał jak niegdysiejszy zdobywca nagrody MVP, biegając po parkiecie rzadko przypomina siebie z najlepszych lat kariery.

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  1. Bez większych złośliwości, ale kiedy Embiid miał najlepsze lata kariery? Mówimy o tym jednym sezonie, kiedy udało mu się w miarę solidnie pograć i wypłakać MVP? Przesiedział prawie połowę możliwych do rozegrania spotkań. Szkoda trochę chłopa, może zdrowy nie byłby takim płaczkiem.

  2. Jako zagorzały hejter flopowania i faul-baitingu Joelek jest moim ulubieńcem, dlatego jakiś czas temu zapisałem sobie taki comment z reddita, myślę, że warto go teraz przypomnieć:

    Let me join in on the fun

    (this is all before his single playoff series this year, most of it remains true or hardly changed)

    Some fun Joel Embiid playoff facts:

    • ⁠The best team he’s beaten in the playoffs is the 2022 5th seed Raptors led by Siakam and FVV
    • ⁠He averages 22 PPG on 49.2% TS in elimination games(a 9 game sample size)
    • ⁠In NO playoff run has he ever averaged more assists than turnovers
    • ⁠He is the ONLY MVP in league history to never make the conference finals
    • ⁠Last year, he had the biggest PPG drop from the RS to the playoffs of any MVP winning season
    • ⁠He turned the ball over 8 times in back to back elimination games against the Hawks in 2021
    • ⁠He’s shot under 20% from three over his last two playoff runs
    • ⁠He had a worse eFG% than Russell Westbrook during the 2023 playoffs

    Part 2:

    • ⁠With a chance to go up 3-1, Joel Embiid went 0-12 in the second half against the 5 seeded Hawks in game 4, including missing a wide open layup to take the lead
    • ⁠He got stripped by Danilo Gallinari to seal the loss in game 7
    • ⁠Down 3 in game 5 of the same series with 15 seconds left, he missed BOTH free throws to seal the game
    • ⁠All of his offensive numbers(PPG, RPG, APG, TOs, FG%, 3P%, FT%) are worse in the playoffs than in the regular season aside from FT%
    • ⁠He has only won ONE playoff series in his career where he played in all four wins(2022 vs. Toronto)
    • ⁠He is 0-3 in game 7s and has posted a 49% TS and 5.3 TOs a game in those 3 games
    • ⁠He once got swept in a series despite averaging FIFTEEN free throws per game(2020 vs. Boston)
    • ⁠Over the last two seasons, he has a 9.2 BPM in the regular season(box plus minus) and a 1.0 BPM in the playoffs
    • ⁠WORST OF ALL: HE IS 9/38 IN CLUTCH(within 5 points, last 5 minutes by NBA definition) SITUATIONS DURING HIS PLAYOFF CAREER, WITH AN UNFATHOMABLE TS% of 35.7%
